Tuesday, February 18, 2014

There are zero reasons for smiling.

...and what about those folks with a constant smile on their face even when there are no apparent reasons for smiling?
What's their problem? Why they are constantly smiling?
I mean: you are in line waiting for something and you smile: why?
Or: you got your coffee at the Starbucks and you smile like you just won that fucking coffee... No sir, you've paid for it.
Perhaps you're amazed because the guy at the Starbucks gave you the coffee... Wrong again, it's his job, it wasn't a favor because you're cute or you smell good... Stop smiling and move over my face.
Or even worst: you have just made a huge mistake while you were trying to do your job, and you smile... Why? Stop laughing and try to repair the damage. Or at least say "sorry"... You know what? Just get the fuck out, you and your stupid smile are just useless. 
...and FYI, you also look creepy.

Point is: life sucks, stop smiling like an idiot.

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