Friday, February 14, 2014

Say thank you to Science.

"Considerate la vostra semenza:
fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza."

The quote is from the "The divine comedy".
Dante Alighieri, its author, was telling it already 700 years ago: we don't have to live like animal, but we have to reach out for the knowledge.
And how we can do that? How we can learn things? How can we discover the universe in which we are living in?
With Science.
People complain a lot about Science.
They say Science is bad.
They say Science is Evil.
They say Science kills.
People must stop complaining about Science, because if they can complain, it's just because of Science.
It's because of Science if they are still alive and if they can do basically everything with a very low effort.
Instead of complaining, they should say thank you to Science everyday, because every single day Science is helping them and is making their existence so much easier.
Moreover, what is really amazing about those complainers is that they don't have the competences and the knowledge for complaining. But they are doing it anyway: "Yeah, fuck it! Let's complaining about something that we totally don't know."...
Oh, and by the way, most of the time, for a better complaining, they use the word "god", just to underline better how huge is their ignorance.
Ok, let me tell you this loud and clear: there is no god or other magical creature doing Science.

My grandfather taught me the passion and the love for Science.
I will never be thankful enough for that.

Septic Flesh, "Science":

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