Monday, February 24, 2014

Proudly presenting: "The Cowtown impression"

Well, that's it!
The Cowtown is done.
It took 4 hours, 18 minutes and 47 seconds. A lot of sweat, a couple of cramps and a huge blister.
Totally worth it: 25th out of 451 ultra-runners and I got the third place of my class. [yes, I'm bragging]
It was pretty hard: it was warm and there were a lot of up-hill.
Honestly speaking, I think I've made a mistake: I was too fast in the first 20 km (an average of 4:15/km... I was like 1 hour and 25 minutes at the half marathon [and by the way, I beat my own record -__- ]), and I paid it later, but it's ok... Now I know.
I've found two things really cool. One: when you're wearing the big sign "ultra" on your shirt, people look at you with respect. And this is kind of cool: it's like a positive ego boost... And you need it.
Second: between ultra-runners there is no "bad competition" at all. They cheer you up and you cheer them up. And when is done, they are really friendly: they talk and they ask you things, impressions, etc... Kind of unusual. At least is kind of unusual for me that I'm not people-friendly.
Maybe this is because they(I) know how much it cost to be trained for that insanity and in some way you share all the pain and the sacrifice.

Ok, I'll stop here: I'm really happy and proud of myself.
Every once in a while it happens to me too...

Oh, I'm also proud of someone else.
I'm really proud of my 350$-worth car.
My car made it to Fort Worth and back. Good job!

I'm in a good mood (let's see if i can keep it to the end of the day), so here something nice from Les* and co.:

*Please, make a favor to yourself: buy Les Claypool's duo te twang "Four foot shack".
You'll thank me later.

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