Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Brainstorming (pt. 2)

Since I'm writing a long post on the best band in the world, I need time.
...and I'm also really busy.
So here some random thoughts of the day.
Deal with it.

- Running this morning was painful, but somehow nice.

- Yesterday I was happy because of the Cowtown, but today I hate everyone as usual.

- New mice on their way: yeeeeeh.

- I signed for the El Scorcho: 50 nightly km in the Texan' heat. Is gonna be awesome!

- I really would like to climb on real rock. Or at least in a gym assholes-free...

- ...but if the gym is assholes-free, I couldn't be able to go inside. That's a paradigm.

- I can get inked!! This is a good news.

- "If you don make a friend now, one might make you

    so learn the gentle art of making enemies"

- The best satisfaction of yesterday was to tell to those loser-jealous-jerks out there the result of the ultra. I won, you've lost fucker.

(Ok, this part requires an explanation. I'm running for myself, and not for showing my medals like a lot of  douchebags do. But: if you told me in my fucking face "You'll never been able to do it..." and -booom- at my first fucking ultra I got a really fucking good position [the 3rd fuckin' position of my category] and time, sorry fucker, but I have to shout it in your fucking face. [and by the way, this is the environment in which I live every fucking day, and it corrodes from inside {sorry for all the fuck-words}])

 - A picture of a cute wallaby.

I told you yesterday, and I'll repeat today: if you haven't done yet, listen to Les Claypool's duo te twan.

- Running in the evening was less painful.

That's it folks.

It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious...

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