Monday, February 10, 2014

More extreme music please

Ok, we need more extreme music in our daily diet, and this is why:
  1. when extreme music is the soundtrack of your normal life, everything is better.
  2. extreme music wakes you up when you're sleeping.
  3. extreme music relaxes you when you need to relax.
  4. during a live performance of your favorite extreme band, the mosh-pit is the best anti-stress therapy ever: you can actually punch random people in the face without any legal consequences (but be ready to be punched in the face as well).
  5. there is no better way to bother someone: just play really loud some really extreme bands. Success guarantee.
  6. extreme music buffers you from everything that is coming from the outside world: put your headphones on, press play and pump up the volume. Problem solved: now you're invincible.
  7. point number 6 works also on people: outside is full of assholes ready to bother you. Nothing will happen if you are listening to you're favorite extreme band.
  8. sometimes you are not angry enough, so extreme music is there for helping you. It enhances your level of anger.
  9. in the opposite way, when you are too angry, extreme music helps you to calm down.
  10. is the best music ever created.
So, please: we need more extreme music!

I came out with the idea of this post this morning, when I woke up whit this wonderful song stuck in my mind:

...a happy way to start the day!

Ok, maybe I was joking a little bit up there, but seriously: this is the music that I really need in order to keep my balance.
As always, people is extremely ignorant and they will complain that this is not even music but only noise.
I could start a long explanation on why they are soooooo wrong and why this is not "noise", but if you really think in that way, then you don't deserve my attention (and probably you will never understand my explanation because you're just a stupid asshole).

"Stigma your name onto my lungs..."

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