Monday, April 14, 2014

The dumbest problem on Earth.

Fact number 1. Yesterday, despite the horrible weather (almost struck by a lighting*), I went to run on trail (yeeeiii, finally ).

Fact number 2. In the last six months, I keep loosing my glasses. And I mean loosing from my face, not loosing like "Where the fuck are my glasses?".
I don't if the glasses are loose, or if my head is shrinking because i don't have any brain left. Anyway, whatever is the reason, they keep falling of from my face.

Now combine fact number 1 with fact number 2. What do we get?
Running with my stupid glasses on trails is basically impossible.
...and especially in days like yesterday, were sweat and humidity and rain combine together in order to make my life impossible. Every step was a pain in the ass: my glasses were falling off, so I had to adjust them, or trying to catch them while they were still in the air before the hit the ground (and I step on them).

Is that the dumbest problem on earth?
Yes, it is.
But I need to resolve this problem, and there is only one solution: staple them on my face...

* the odd of being struck by a lighting in a lifetime is 1:3000. Actually, I thought it was bigger...

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