Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hug a tree!

This comes out straight from this post.
And to be specific, from the very last few sentences:

"In other words, those ultra/trail runners are peaceful tree-huggers. I should try to be more like them... I don't know if it's in my nature. Probably it is, but my assholeness prevails..."

Basically, the idea here is to try to be more in peace with myself and with the rest of the world. Try to don't blame anyone and don't get mad with everything.
Just be happy and hug a tree.
What a fuck, I love trees. I have a degree in trees (I'm not kidding by the way). I'm 100% qualified to hug trees. It shouldn't be so hard.
Since I won't be able to hug a tree for real all the time that something stupid or some random asshole (or a group of assholes) will bother me, I will just image me doing that. I won't get mad, I will just image myself in a peaceful forest while I'm hugging a tree.
I will be in peace.
I will be in my zen-zone.
I won't eat your heart and soul...
Let's see for how long it will last.
I'm pretty sure it won't last at all.
...but at least I've tried.
I'm an asshole and I can disguise what I am.
I'll try to be a peaceful asshole.
I will tell you to go to fuck yourself, but I will do it while smiling from the top of my tree.
...and I have an unlimited reservoir of "go fuck yourself".

Gojira: they really hug trees.

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