Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Man, you stink.

Hold on tight because I'm going to be really angry here...
I want to talk about a specific category of (sub)humans that I really hate.
I'm talking about those human beings that usually avoid any kind of contact with the soap.
Dirty, stinking men.
Every day I'm surrounded by this kind of Homo sapiens (yeah, sapiens...): they're disgusting. They stink like wild porks during the mating season, but they just don't give a fuck.
They infect the environment in which they are living in with their pungent stench: a mix of sweat, sour cheese and fried dead fish.
Seriously: I can "feel" their presence from distance, and after 10 minutes, their disgusting smell gives me headache.
Listen: if you don't care about yourself, please, care about the people around you, ok? And by the way, it's also a form of education: since we're supposed to share the same rooms and spaces, please take care of yourself...
Please, explain me why, for fuck sake, do I have to breath and feel and assimilate your stench just because you're not educated enough to take a shower? Are you a kind of punishment for my bad behavior?
I could go on and on, for hours, complaining about how much they disgust me...

You're disgusting creatures and you should feel ashamed for polluting the world with your damn stench.

Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), one of the basic compound for soap: use it!

I've got the perfect band for those stinking pseudo-humans:

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