Sunday, March 2, 2014

Unite against beauty!

The idea for this post came out from an observation I've made.
Every Saturday at the Starbucks I notice this group of girls buying their coffees at the same our I usually get mine. I think they work in the bank close to the the Starbucks.
The observations is the following: those girls are pretty an cute and well dress (the opposite of me) and they are amazingly stupids.
Their mouths are constantly open (and it doesn't matter if they are actually talking or not), phone in one hand sending thousand of text per minute and pneumatic emptiness in their brain.
They constantly talk like parrots, and I'm not even sure they're listening to each others. They just talk. Accordingly, they have very deep conversation regarding who's dating who and which car has the cute dude at the gym. Very, very deep.
They are on their middle 20s, maybe 30s, but their brains have never evolved and are still in a teenage conformation.
And this is the thing: in their entire life, they've never required a functional brain. The reptilian brain is good enough.
Why do they need a brain? They're cute: someone else will take care of their thoughts. They just have to stand there and being pretty.
If you're pretty, life is easier for you.
You don't need to be intelligent or smart. And you don't need to work hard either to show your skills. Actually, you don't even need skills. Just because you've been genetically lucky, you are born pretty and that's it. That's all you need in this society. If you're pretty, off course they will notice you, they will consider you, they will look at you.
And actually, this is what this society requires now. Look at the magazine, at the commercials, at the movies. Do they explain to you how to be smart? Do they say "read a book"? No. They tell you how to dress and how to lose weight or how to improve your six pack.
As an ugly human being, I'm reclaiming here my rights.
It's not fair being considered as a "second class" human being just because we're ugly. Actually is the opposite: we're working harder to get what you get for free just because you're beauty.
And it's not fair.
Off course, if your pretty you will never read these words and probably you'll never understand the message.

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