Monday, July 27, 2015

Fossil Valley trail run: hamster edition...

I had a hamster once, his name was Einstein, and his main activity was running all night on his wheel.
...and this is basically what I've done last Saturday night: run and run and run on a 4 km loop for 9 hours.
It was the first time for me running this kind of race: I've always run for the distance, never for the time (I'm pretty sure this is not the right way to write it, but who cares). And this is why I didn't have the idea of how to approach this new -for me- race. So I chose the less smart method: run like there is no tomorrow and faster as possible.
Well, apparently it worked because I finished 3rd overall (second of my age group).
My initial goal was to run around 65-70 km, but I ran "only" ~59.
The fact is that the loop wasn't too hard, with only two serious climbs, but when you run that easy thing for 9 hours straight, from 10 pm to 7 am, the scenario changes a lot: you get tired and bored and you run less.
Running in the dark changes everything, and I should be used by now, but I'm not: it amazes me all the time, and as always I really enjoyed the first light when the sun was rising. I had also a new headlamp, and once again I'm disappointed: I saw runners with headlamps so powerful to look like the batman-signal, while mine looks like a lighter...
So, to conclude: great race, and now its time to think to the Habanero 100 km.

Done. I don't have too much time to write and also I'm not inspired.

Here, since I'm going to see them tonight:

...I should be happy, but I'm not. I actually don't give a fuck.

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