Monday, March 2, 2015

365 days and 5339.67 km after.

I's my ultra-birthday.
One year from my first ultra (the 50 km Cowtown in Fort Worth).
Yeeeiii, congratulation!!!
Actually, I was supposed to celebrate it on February 23, but I missed the date (I thought it was this weekend)...
Anyway, that was the first one, I ran a bunch of others during the year, and I'm kind of happy of my results (I'm not bagging, I'm just saying it)...
During this year I've learned a lot of things, and I still have to learn a lot...
(One of) The biggest satisfaction was (and still is), rubbing it on the face of those haters that never believed in me and were saying "You are not able to do that...", "What do you think you are..." etc. etc... Ah, priceless...
Anyway, I keep rolling and it's not time to rest yet... As I was saying, right now I'm not feeling (mentally) ready for the 100 miles... I'm planning a lot of 50 miles and a (less) 100 km before step up to 100 miles. But I'll do it, don't worry...
Ok, done, happy birthday to me.

Here: totally unrelated music (but great song):

(note: there are a lot of parenthesis in this post.)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations dude! Never see you anymore, but never doubted you !
