...so Saturday February 21 I ran the first ultra of 2015.
...so i should write a long and analytic report on how I finished in 9 hour 37 minutes and some seconds in the 5th place overall.
...but it will boring.
So, I'm gonna write random things about the race: connect the dots and enjoy the journey.
- The place and the course is really wonderful. Pretty hard the first part, easy and fast the second half.
- The first 10 km I was out. I was feeling weak and tired... I was in the mood of "I will barely finish it..."... Then something happened, I changed gear and I was in an altered-state of grace and everything was fine...
- ...it was SO fine, that for almost all the time I was thinking "It can't be possible, there is something wrong..." and the more cheerful "Something bad is gonna happen soon..."...
- This time I was prepared: I have plenty of food and fuel. I didn't use any. I was fueling with grapes and orange and coke: one bit of orange, some grape, a sip of coke and go. I've never stopped more then five minutes in the aid stations. I think I've found my best fueling-rule and my "winning" strategy.
- The last couple of miles I was thinking that I'm probably not ready yet for a 100 miles. I could be physically prepared, but not mentally. No rush anyway, I'm working on it.
- In general, I think I ran smart: I dosed my energy really well and I've been able to run all the time without any dramatic change in the pace. Honestly speaking, I was amazed by myself.
- In the last two weeks I was so nervous about the race. I don't know why. I wasn't feeling good. I was afraid to fail and I was feeling this burden on my shoulders. I was scare of disappoint myself.
...I think it's pretty much it.
If something else will pop in my mind about the race I will upgrade the post.
...or I won't.
I don't care.
Last meters: me happy of my result and time.
Unrelated note: c'mon Bruce, don't give up!