Pacing my runner yesterday made me think about what we do.
I had the opportunity to watch at the thing under a different angle, like an outsider.
What we're doing is amazing: how many people can do that?
We're not running a marathon or a half marathon in a friendly neighborhood with smiley faces and a bunch of unknown people cheering you up during every single mile.
We're out there, running alone, with a burden of suffering and fears on our back, on a really hard course for a shitload of miles.
We don't get any big clapping during the course, we don't get any support.
All we can do is just pat ourself on the shoulder and carry on with life.
There are no winner or loser in this thing.
Just a bunch of troopers doing in a couple of hours what 95% of the rest of the world would not probably do in their entire life.
I was staring my 50 miles medal this morning, but I was looking at it with these new knowledge in my head. My memory goes back to that day with this new concept in my head: damn, I was great that day, like everyone else in that course that day.
Like everyone else decide to challenge her/himself.
It looks like I'm bragging here, but I'm not.
It's just a consideration on something from a different point of view.
This thing can be applied on everything we do.
All I'm trying to say is: don't live a pathetic life. Try to do something great for yourself.