Monday, June 23, 2014

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Still ugly... Still broke... Still grindcore...

Ok, it's time to talk about some good tunes here.
Basically I will use this tag to talk about the latest CDs/music I bought (because I buy music, I don't steal it).
"Still ugly... Still broke... Still grindcore..." is from Brutal Truth, and if you don't know them, shame on you.
I don't like reviews of albums: what I perceive from a song could be different from what you perceive, ergo my judgment will be different from your judgment.
For this reason, I will just write down the name of the band and the name of the album with the link for listening the album. The rest it's up to you: if you like it, you're welcome, if you don't, go fuck yourself.

Tombs, "Savage gold"
I discovered Tombs because they were opening for Isis (the best band on the world, ever) so I could be a little bias when I'm saying that is a great band.
But it's true: the previous album (Winter hours) was great, as well as the collection of b-sides and EPs (Fear is the weapon). With the last "Savage gold" they've just improved. Their typical sound is evolved: technically perfect, they're angrier and extreme, but they also add some melodies in the songwriting, and the final result is pure awesomeness.

Humm, "No empathy before doomsday"
I've been informed this morning about their existence (thanks Ela). Actually I should say "his existence". Humm it's a one-man-band project from Italy. Someone would call it "post black metal", and maybe it's the right definition. I don't really care: what's important is the quality of the music, and here the levels are really high. Unfortunately only in digital edition. You can get it directly at the Humm bandcamp official page:
It's only 5 bucks: don't be cheap, buy it.
Note: I really like the cover, nice idea for a tattoo.

65daysofstatic, "Silent running"
A switch of gear here. Nice electronic project from UK. I don't remember how I found them. They have a lot of albums out, and I got this one just because of the title. Nice electro-thing, nice atmosphere and sounds. Like Moby, but without words.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


There are two kind of standard.
Normal people standards and Scientists standards.
Scientists standards are so damn high for normal people.
From an insight point of view, when you reach and get habit to those high standards, it's difficult to come back.
And once you there, everything seems fine: just stay in your confined Science-world.
But when you step out from this dimension and you find yourself in the real world, your standards are too much to handle for regular folks.
And that's why, in the end, we look like picky assholes.

Friday, June 13, 2014

My own personal war against experiments.

I've just realized I'm taking the experiments in a too personal way.
Example: if an experiment hasn't worked, what do you do? You figure it out why it didn't work, you fix the problems and you start again.
For me it's different. I take it too personal. I'm feeling mocked by the experiment. And so, I start my own personal war against the experiment: "Fuck you!! Are you fucking daring me???? You ugly son of a bitch of a stupid reaction!! Do you have problems with me?? I'm gonna kick you in the face and choke you to death, you stupiddamnmotherfuckerretardeddumbbitch..."
...and then, after 20 minutes of random ranting, that totally destroys my mood, I finally move over and proceed like normal people: figure it out why it didn't work, fix the problems, etc...
What an asshole.

Monday, June 9, 2014

I saw a huge tarantula...

...and for me it's a serious business, a big thing, and that's why I'm writing about it.
If you think it's too lame, go fuck yourself, it's my blog and write what I want.
Ok, done with the anger, let's go back to the tarantula thing.

So, it was really early in the morning (not even 7 am), and I was trail-running.
I was just at the beginning of the run and I was trying the "get in the zone" for the long run, when I saw something really big and black and alive slowly walking on the trial.
I immediately stopped because I thought it was some kind of huge awesome insect, but with my surprise it was even better: she (I decide the tarantula is a "she", deal with it) was a really big black tarantula.

Hi! :)

I was so happy. I stopped the Garmin, and I looked at her for at least 10 minutes. She was minding her own business, walking up-hill on the trail. I said hello and I talked to her, but she didn't care. I really fought the feeling of petting her on her big hairy but, but I didn't wan to scare her...
We don't have spiders like those in Italy, so that's why I'm so happy: my first real wild tarantula!
They are magnificent creatures, and I don't really understand why people think they are disgusting or why they are afraid of. The only animal which we have to be disgusted and afraid is the Homo sapiens.
So, the point of all of this -if there is one- is in the following few sentences.
I've been lucky: I grew up in a way that taught me to be respectful to all living creatures and to be curios and astonished by every animal and plant.
While I was staring at the tarantula, the memory of my grandfather poped out in my stupid brain: I remember that he was doing the same thing I was doing in that moment with the tarantula. I think he will be proud of me.
Keep hugging tree.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The heat!

Short post because I'm busy and blah blah blah...
I've officially started the training for the next summer races (50K of El Scorcho and 36K of CRP in the middle and the end of July)* and I'm training in order to get habit to the Texan heat.
Heat hits you hard, but I hit harder!
Off course it's hard training in these conditions (and by the way, is not that bad right now: it will be terrible soon...), but if is not painful is not funny for me...
...and honestly, I'm not even suffering too much right now. What I find really really really really really really annoying is the sweat: it burns in my eyes and my glasses keep falling from my stupid face.
Anyway, this is an nice article about heat acclimation: it explains, in a better way, what I'm trying to say here. What I find fascinating is the increase of plasma volume.
It makes sense if you think about it... Physiology is cool.

*I'm also in for the 40 Miles at Glen Rose (TX) in September

A warm place, NIN:

Monday, June 2, 2014